Data Center Outage Impacting Wi-Fi & Access to Campus Systems

February 14, 2024

Data Center Power Outage Updates

These are some key messages sent on Feb. 14. Visit the System Status page for the detailed log and most updated information.
  • 2:12 p.m. System Status: Restoration of systems is going well. Approximately 80% have been successfully restored.
  • 10:10 a.m. System Status: System restoration is currently underway. Wi-Fi services are now working. VMware is currently being restored.
  • 9:25 a.m. System Status: The Wi-Fi system has been restored. This includes Eduroam and CalVisitor.
  • 8:01 a.m. WarnMe message: Power outage update: We expect campus Wi-Fi to resume this morning. Classes will continue as usual. Business and research systems based in Warren Hall may not resume service until later today. Updates will be posted on the System Status page.
  • 7:15 a.m. WarnMe message: A power outage has occurred at Warren Hall Data Center. The area at and around Warren Hall Data Center is temporarily closed. Our campus experienced a power outage at Warren Hall impacting our data center. We are assessing the full scope of the situation but know that the campus Wi-Fi and various systems are currently down campus-wide. We do not yet know how long these impacts can be expected and will follow up with updates as soon as possible. Updates will be posted on the System Status page.

Updated message evening on Feb. 8, 2024

  • All systems have been restored.
  • Thursday afternoon power returned to the Data Center, Wi-Fi, and several systems are back online.

Original message afternoon on Feb. 8, 2024

Earlier today, our Data Center facility experienced an outage due to a failure of their backup power systems. This outage is impacting access to several critical systems including bCourses, CalTime, Cal Central, Campus Solutions (SIS), Cal Answers, Berkeley Financial System (BFS), BearBuy, Savio Condo/Berkeley Research Cluster, CCURE and others listed below. Network Wi-Fi authentication was also affected by the power outage impacting connectivity on campus for some users but has since been restored. We understand these issues may be disrupting your ability to work and we are doing our best to restore these systems to minimize the overall impact to campus. 

Ongoing updates during this outage are being communicated every 30 minutes on the System Status webpage. Service providers will also communicate status related to these systems as work is done to bring them back online.

Systems Impacted

The following systems are not available due to the outage (those restored are also listed):

Achieve Together

ADM Rails Apps (AP Bears, VSPA, CSS, etc.)




BFS(Berkeley Financial System)



Burgundy Book

BPR (CalNet account claiming, passphrase resets) 

Cal Access

Cal Answers

Cal Central



Cal Planning


Cal Viz (Tableau)







Library Catalog(OskiCat)

Library Connect from off Campus(Library Proxy)

MSOC(Mobile Schedule of Classes)



RAC Alfresco 

Registrar CMS


Savio Condo/Berkeley Research Cluster

SIS (Campus Solutions)

SPA App 


UC Berkeley Calendar Network


Wi-Fi network 

Systems Not Impacted*

The following systems are available and not affected by the outage (*Note: related services like system email may be affected):

Active Directory

bConnected(bMail, bCal, bDrive, Chat, Meet, Spaces)

bCourses / Canvas (some functionality will be affected) linked sites will be affected)

CalNet Authentication(CAS, Shibboleth)

Campus Network



Duo (CalNet 2-Step)

Infoblox (DNS/DHCP)


Palo Alto shared Firewall





UC Ready


Websites hosted on Open Berkeley (Pantheon or other off-campus providers)



If the system you are looking for is not in one of these lists and you are unsure whether it runs in the Data Center, please contact the system service provider. You can also check the system status page for updates and additional information. 

We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to restore these systems.


How widespread is the impact of this power failure? This is affecting all the systems that are running in the Warren Data Center. Wi-Fi was also impacted earlier today with not being able to connect unless you were already on Wi-Fi at the time of the outage. Any new attempts to authenticate to Wi-Fi were failing to connect but this has now been resolved. 

How long do we expect the power failure to last? Campus electricians and the Data Center are working hard to restore power to the data center. At this point, we do not have an estimation of how long this will take but we will continue to update the System Status page every 30 minutes with what we know.

What impacts can we expect across campus and/or for those operating remotely? Anyone trying to connect to any of the various applications running in the Data Center, will likely have problems accessing the systems whether on campus or logging in remotely. 

What is the cause of the power failure? Testing was being conducted on a temporary generator that the Data Center uses. During this test, a number of components failed that caused a total loss of power to the Data Center.