Meet Our Team
Walter Stokes
Director, IST-Data & Platform Services
What We Do
We provides database, system and cloud administration services for campus.
- Our database team manages 279 databases, 115 applications, and total storage of 67TB (Oracle , SQL Server, MySQL, Postgres)
serving 75 campus customers. -
The platforms team manages 144 physical servers, on which we run 41 VMWare ESXi clusters. These clusters in turn host ~2800 Virtual Machines, for a variety of campus customers. We also provide operating system support on a large number of these virtual machines. Our Windows SysAdmin team manages ~625 Windows VMs, and our Unix/Linux SysAdmin team manages ~450 Linux VMs. We also provide support for the campus Active Directory environment, and the Citrix framework that provides managed access to CalAnswers, CalPlanning, and the Analytics Environments On Demand (AEoD), just to name a few.