Culture Champions

Transforming culture does not happen through one meeting, one training, or one action plan. It is through ongoing community investment. 

About the Program

Culture Champions is a 12-month internship program for individual contributors sponsored by the Berkeley IT People, Performance & Culture team. This is an opportunity to create a team of advocates — champions across our organization with representation from each unit — that will help to move our DEIB work forward toward a more inclusive future.

The 2023-2024 cohort will first learn the meaning and foundations of DEIBJA; help create curriculum and training specific to their unit; implement skills and techniques to foster DEIBJA culture. We are looking for interns from each unit at Berkeley IT (CITE - 2 champions; CITI - 1 champion; CAD - 2 champions; Bus Ops/S&P/OCIO - 1 champion; ISO - 1 champion).

This is a paid internship. Non-represented interns will receive a 5% stipend. Represented interns will receive compensation consistent with their respective contracts. This internship provides ongoing training development and cross-unit collaboration with the program support along the way. 




Berkeley IT Teams

  • 90-minute weekly meetings

  • 30 minutes of independent weekly work 

  • Total time commitment is 2 hours/week

  • Quarterly meetings with the direct supervisor 

  • Quarterly meetings with the Action Team

  • 10-minute final presentation

  • Quarterly meetings with intern 

  • Support of intern by redelegation/release of some of the intern’s daily responsibilities/duties

  • Complete Qtuarter 3 and 4 assessment forms for interns

  • Support of intern’s project by helping in the implementation process

  • Ongoing training development and cross-unit collaboration

  • Overall support of the Berkeley IT Culture Champions program