One IT Colleagues,
I’m delighted to share that our Berkeley IT Short-Term Strategy is now live on our technology website! The following five priorities are already being used to help guide planning and proposals to governance this fall for the new current year and fiscal 2026 initiatives:
During my listening tour, I heard several IT partners across campus share a desire to know Berkeley IT’s strategy to help inform their own unit’s strategy. Developing our framework has been a collaborative effort within our department, with lots of input from you, our One IT community, governance committee members, technology leaders, and senior campus leaders. I appreciate your feedback, comments, and recommendations as we iterated to get to this posted version.
You can find the Berkeley IT Strategy now in the main menu on the site. If you are looking for the One IT Strategic Plan, it is nested within the One IT dropdown.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Warm regards,