Dear UC Colleagues,
Hoping you had a restful holiday season and are ready to continue rocking IT in 2023! Mark your calendars: July 17-19 for UC Tech 2023: Resilient, Rising & Reinspired on the UC Berkeley campus. This will be a hybrid event, with sessions available both in-person and online. UC Berkeley is honored to be co-hosting this year’s conference with UC San Francisco.
About our Theme
Resilient, Rising & Reinspired, this theme seemed to fit as a timely reminder that technology professionals have worked diligently over the recent years and remained resilient, agile, and responsive to the changing higher ed landscape. The conference is an opportunity to acknowledge this hard work and to recognize this as an inflection point. Looking forward, we are reinspired to bring together our UC Tech community to share ways in which we are rising to meet old and new challenges to build, connect, and grow our IT support, services, and collaboration. Visit the UC Tech website
Volunteer Opportunities
Each year it takes a lot of great people to make UC Tech a success, and we need you! Joining our team of volunteers allows you to bring your special talents to the planning and execution of UC Tech. We need volunteers now and leading up to the event, to help behind the scenes as well as during the conference. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out this short form by Jan. 20.
Program & Tracks
Our program is coming together and being planned around elements of our theme. Session tracks are being finalized on topics such as Community Building; Cultural Strategies; Health IT; The Future of IT; Research Computing & Data; Security & Privacy; Teaching & Learning. It’s not too early to start thinking about what session proposals you and your teams may want to submit that would sync up with these areas!
Get Connected
There are several ways to stay informed or ask questions about UC Tech:
Be sure to subscribe to the UC IT Blog where we will share announcements.
Email questions to the UC Tech Programming Committee at
Join the conversation on Slack #uctech-conference.
We will continue to post updates to the conference website as plans solidify and communicate through our UC Tech Ambassador channels at each campus location.