To our campus community,
We are pleased to announce the approval of the new campus-wide information security Roles and Responsibilities Policy. This policy outlines your responsibility in protecting the campus's data and systems. Everyone has a role — maybe even more than one — based on your relationship with the University. Responsibilities range from protecting one's own passphrase to managing security controls for a large system, an entire department, or even the campus.
We encourage you to familiarize yourself with this new policy and to review what your key responsibilities are based on your role(s):
- Faculty Responsibilities
- Staff Responsibilities
- Student Responsibilities
- Researcher Responsibilities
- Responsibilities for Everyone
We will be reaching out for direct engagement with the UC Berkeley community on this new policy. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a presentation, please contact
Jenn Stringer, Associate Vice Chancellor for IT and CIO
Allison Henry, Chief Information Security Officer