New process for logging into bSecure VPN

March 11, 2025

We’ve made some changes to our network security setup, which will affect how you experience logging into the campus bSecure VPN.

Why the Change?

  • Better security - This new method allows you to use your preferred browser, so outdated browsers like Internet Explorer (which is no longer supported and receiving security patches) won’t be used. 

  • Remembers your CalNet cookie - This new method lets your system remember your login session and helps smooth the transition to CalNet Authenticate.

What’s Changing?

When you select the Global Protect VPN on your system, you will be directed to authenticate inside your preferred browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, or Safari). Previously, you were directed to a pop-out window housed in your operating system’s default browser (e.g., Safari or Internet Explorer).

What will this look like?

  • When you select the Global Protect VPN, a CAS screen will open in your preferred browser. If you are already authenticated, the VPN may accept this “cookie” and move you along. Otherwise, you will need to authenticate CalNet as usual.

  • A new tab will open on your screen from palotalto networks:

Paloalto login

  • You may see two tabs open in your browser. This happens because GlobalProtect logs in twice. The first time, it checks your identity and gives you the GlobalProtect settings. The second time, it starts the VPN session.

  • If GlobalProtect doesn't connect, click the 'click here' link in the window to complete the process.

  • When opening GlobalProtect, your OS (Windows, MacOS) will warn you that an application is being launched. To avoid future prompts, click the checkbox for "Always allow."

open app dialog box

dialog checkbox