New security feature now available, take action today

May 23, 2023

To campus members with Berkeley Desktop-managed computers,

You are receiving this message because you have been identified as having a Berkeley Desktop-managed University computer. Berkeley Desktop provides a reliable, secure, and integrated computing environment that reduces the amount of time you have to spend keeping your machine updated and secure. 

We are excited to have launched a new offer that will activate Disk Encryption on your computer, which will add security, resiliency, and protection to your data! Disk Encryption is now available in Self-Service for both Windows and macOS Berkeley Desktop-managed computers.

Take Action to Enable Desktop Encryption

Everyone with a managed Windows or macOS Berkeley Desktop computer needs to encrypt their computer via their respective Self-Service offer. Here are the instructions to get Disk Encryption on your computer:

If the process described above is not available, your computer is likely not managed by Berkeley Desktop.


Enabling this new feature on your computer will help keep your data secure if your computer is lost or stolen. On top of protecting your data, this feature also aligns with the following University and campus priorities. Disk Encryption:

  • Increases security and minimizes risk for the campus.

  • Uses automated tools and processes to help secure sensitive institutional information that minimizes University risk and liability.

  • Meets UC-wide IS-3 and UC Berkeley MSSEI policy requirements.

Get Help

If you need assistance with Disk Encryption, including turning on encryption and help in recovering your computer after encryption has been turned on, please contact us. Support for faculty, staff, and student employees is available in person or online:

  • In-Person Drop-in Help - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. Wednesdays, 9-10 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. | Academic Innovation Studio, 117 Dwinelle Hall on Level D.

  • Contact the Help Desk - Call 510-664-9000, option 1, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Submit a Ticket Login with your CalNet ID and submit a ticket online

We are excited to offer this extra layer of security and hope you will follow the instructions provided above to take action to enable Disk Encryption on your computer today!

Please do not reply to this message. Emails sent to this address are not monitored. Please use the Get Help options above for all inquiries.

Dave Browne
Executive Director, Campus IT Infrastructure