UC Colleagues,
We are just four months out to UC Tech 2023: Resilient, Rising & Reinspired hosted as a hybrid event by the UC Berkeley campus July 17-19! Our committee is busy reviewing all the fantastic proposals we received and continuing to solidify the remaining conference programming, but we wanted to provide an update on all things UC Tech so you can start planning accordingly.
Proposal Status
Thank you to everyone who submitted a session proposal this year. We are super excited to report that we received a record-breaking number of proposals: 207 in total! We have about 70 slots for presentations so our committee has a tough job. Here are the number of proposals submitted by each UC location:
UC Berkeley = 33
UC Davis = 10
UC Irvine = 20
UC Los Angeles = 31
UC Merced = 6
UCOP = 18
UC Riverside = 8
UC San Diego = 24
UC San Francisco = 46
UC Santa Barbara = 2
UC Santa Cruz = 9
Now we are busy reviewing all the session ideas submitted with track experts from each campus. After their review, the UC Tech Ambassadors will also have input into the selection. The plan is to have decisions made by the end of March to be able to notify those who submitted a proposal and help solidify the conference program.
Registration & Program
We are planning to open registration in April with a cost of $275 to attend in person or $75 to participate virtually. A tentative program is now available for you to preview. Please note that this info is subject to change. In addition to the many breakout sessions, you’ll hear from dynamic keynote speakers, network with fellow attendees, and have fun exploring the area!
Travel & Lodging Info
Check out our new travel and lodging pages on the UC Tech website to explore your options as you start thinking about planning your visit. If you’ll be flying in, we recommend Oakland International Airport (OAK) for ease of transportation. The Residence Inn Berkeley and Hotel Shattuck Plaza are the two lodging options where we have reserved a discounted block of rooms for conference attendees. You may want to make it an extended trip with so much to do in the Bay Area!
Meet our Sponsors
There wouldn’t be a UC Tech if it weren’t for the generous support of our fantastic sponsors. And if you’ve been to UC Tech in the past, then you know the Sponsor Hall is full of great information, interesting demonstrations, and, of course, legendary swag. Meet our sponsors
UC Tech Awards: Applications & Nominations Due May 1
Are you ready to recognize colleagues who have contributed significantly to the UC Tech community? The application/nomination process for the UC Tech Awards is now open and submissions are due by May 1, 2023. Apply now or nominate a colleague by reviewing the awards background info and application form and completing the short application.
Stay Connected
There are several ways to stay informed or ask questions about UC Tech:
Be sure tosubscribe to the UC IT Blog where we will share announcements.
Share this email with colleagues so they can beadded to the UC Tech mailing list
Email questions to the UC Tech Programming Committee at uctech@berkeley.edu
Join the conversation on Slack#uctech-conference and/or#events
Phew, that was a lot. We’ll be back in touch when we have more information to share!