Goals & Benefits to Campus
A fundamental principle of IT recovery at UC Berkeley is to guide campus departments and units to have appropriate resources in place to recover institutional information and IT resources in the event of an unavoidable or unforeseen disaster, whether natural or human-made.
Get Involved
An IS-12 policy course is available in UC Learning Center(link is external), search for "IS-12" to find the course.
IS-12 Policy implementation will occur iteratively over time. During the initial implementation stage, units will assign a Unit IT Recovery Lead to complete an inventory, via a survey, of IT systems owned or managed by the unit. Learn more about survey expectations here(link is external). Characteristics of the systems will be collected and evaluated to determine next steps for each application. The kind of information being collected describes the system’s purpose and users, criticality to the unit and information about the application’s state of readiness in case of a disaster. You can access the survey here:
Individual Application(link is external) survey link. Please use this link if you are filling out the survey for one or two IT services or applications.
Multiple Applications(link is external) survey sheet. Please use this link if you are filling out the survey for several IT services or applications to avoid survey fatigue. The columns in red are mandatory.
In the next phase of the project, users will begin using UC Ready to review existing Disaster Recovery plans migrated from Castellan/BC Catalyst. All DR plans and assets in Castellan are being migrated to UC Ready. UC Ready is a UCOP managed Business Continuity tool where users will maintain existing or create new Disaster Recovery plans. Castellan will be retired. You can find instructions on how to use UC Ready here: UC Ready ITDR End User guide for Unit IT Recovery Leads-UITRLs (link is external)
- Log in to UC Ready ucready-fusion.lightning.force.com/lightning/page/home(link is external)
- Example Video https://youtu.be/xf1kzVJMfXs(link is external)
There will be ongoing operational efforts, since the policy requires an annual inventory and annual testing and validation of Disaster Recovery plans. The survey information and DR plans will help campus stakeholders understand and manage compliance with the IT Recovery Policy, document IT Recovery and Communication Plans, and ensure that appropriate resources are available to recover critical IT systems and data in the event of a disaster.
Measures of Success
Onboarding of bIT units in phase 1 pilot.
Onboarding of phase 2 pilot units (Haas and Facilities).
Prioritization strategy for engaging with units formalized; Periodic review process defined and scheduled for pilot units.
Processes for unit onboarding and status tracking have been operationalized.
Program for ongoing engagement of recovery leads is in place.
Milestones & Timeline
Also see IS-12 Policy Visual Board(link is external)
Detailed Timeline
Date |
Milestone |
Benefit to Campus |
By July 2022 |
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July 30, 2022 |
Complete policy rollout to units in Phase 1 and 2 |
Departments and units involved in Phase 1 and 2 understand the policy and how it relates to them. |
July 2022 to June 2023 |
| |
July 30, 2023 |
Complete campus-wide policy rollout in Phase 3 |
The new IT Recovery Roles and Responsibilities Policy is understood campus-wide in order to be prepared for unforeseen disasters toward business continuity. |
July 2023 onward |
| |
July 30, 2024 |
Ongoing compliance and iterative improvement |
A periodic review of the policy allows for updates to be made iteratively toward continuous improvement. |