One IT employs 300-350 student staff that deliver 140,000 hours of work annually! Selection, training, supervision, and professional development are managed locally, which can result in disparate programs, practices, and employee experiences. Providing shared resources to support new and existing workforces will enable greater consistency and alignment across the student-employee experience.
Developing an intentional student leadership strategy positions One IT to invest in the professional growth of our future leaders with more deliberate outcomes. Students also significantly impact our work and how we deliver it to the campus community during their employment. Moreover, we create strong pathways to future employment on our campus, particularly for underrepresented IT communities.
2023 - 2025 Priorities
- Align recruitment, selection, compensation, supervision, performance evaluation, and professional development practices for student teams across One IT.
- Develop communal resources for supervisors to build their student leadership strategy.
- Ensure equity in opportunity and experience for all prospective and existing student employees.
- Build One IT student jobs into leadership roles that can become Discovery experiences for undergraduates.
As of January 2025, this program is no longer in operation. Check out our 2024 report and our final report to learn more about the program’s impact, and see the resources below to find out how to stay engaged in IT student employment.
One IT Student & Staff Stories
- A Student's Journey: Working in Berkeley IT
- One IT Student Staff Spotlight
- One IT Student to Staff Pathway
- STS Student Helpdesk
- Berkeley IT’s Productivity & Collaboration Services
Bakar Achieve Scholars
Since 2022, Berkeley IT has sponsored and One IT has hosted high school interns from the Bakar Achieve Scholars program for five weeks during the summer. The interns engage in mentoring and shadowing opportunities, learn about the operations of numerous technology units in higher education, and work directly on projects across One IT. Learn more about the scholars and their work with us.
Resources for Supervisors of Students
Resources for UC Berkeley supervisors of students can be accessed through the Supervisors of Students Community shared Google Drive. Please click the link to join the group so that you can access these resources and more:
- Campus guidebook on Equity-Oriented Guide to Student Supervision
- Student job description writing tips
- Recruitment of students' recommendations
- Check-in conversation guides
- General student employee management practices
Engage with other supervisors of students through the following networks:
- Participate in the One IT Student Leadership Community of Practice
- Berkeley Student Employee Supervisors Community - click the link to join
- Join the EDUCAUSE community group called Student Employment Management
- Join the UC Tech Slack channel #student-staff-mgmt
- Join the Berkeley IT Slack channel #team-supervisors-of-students
Supervisors of Students
Update your student jobs on the One IT student jobs inventory list.
Join the bIT Slack channel “#team-supervisors-of-students” for peer-to-peer consultation.