Digital Accessibility Next Steps: Mandatory Training & Accessible Websites

September 7, 2023

Dear campus community,

As we pass our first milestone under the Consent Decree between UC Berkeley and the US Department of Justice, we want to share our deep gratitude. Thank you for the last several months of hard work ensuring audio and videos published since Dec. 2, 2022 are accessible for everyone. Your investment of time and resources demonstrates UC Berkeley’s dedication to inclusion and accessibility. 

Please check out the Accessibility All Stars for Video and Podcast news article for a few examples of our community’s dedication to accessibility. With audio/video compliance understanding and processes taking hold, we can move forward to our next major milestones, mandatory training and accessible websites

Audio & Video Compliance Reminders

But first, please keep in mind the following audio and video compliance reminders:

Training Requirements

By May 16, 2024 Covered Individuals (an officer, employee, contractor, or other individual whose duties include creating, uploading and managing Online Content on a UC Berkeley Platform on behalf of a Berkeley Entity) must complete mandatory training by following the training information and instructions Training is available for web content editors, designers, document creators, developers, and digital communicators. 

Annually, we are required to report data for the mandatory training to the US Department of Justice.  Higher engagement and completion reflects our community’s dedication to creating and deploying accessible web content. 

Website Requirements

The website compliance deadline is June 2, 2024. To provide focused support and meet the website requirements, we ask that each website owner:

The Digital Accessibility Program team will be reaching out directly to website owners with information on workshops, evaluation and remediation support, and training information.  

  • Please ensure someone from your unit or organization has submitted correct contact information in the website section of the surveyWe will provide direct communications specific to your website needs.

  • Bookmark for resources, workshops, and up-to-date information regarding web accessibility.

If you have any questions, please email Thank you for your partnership in this important work.


Gabriel Gonzalez
Associate Vice Chancellor for IT and Chief Information Officer - Interim

Wes Johnson
Executive Director of Campus IT Experience

Ella Callow
Director of Disability Access & Compliance and ADA Compliance Officer

Related Links: Digital Accessibility Program |Web Accessibility Procedures| Website Owner Responsibilities

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