There are a few required changes coming to help better secure some important tools used by the campus community.
Jan. 11, 2022 - On this date, all UC Berkeley students, faculty, staff, and eligible affiliates will be required to sign into Zoom using their CalNet ID and passphrase. If you already log in using your CalNet ID and passphrase, no further action is required.
If you sign in using the email and password fields available at and using the Zoom apps; this method of logging in will no longer work as of Jan. 11. This change is being made to increase security and make the sign-in experience consistent with other campus services. Make the switch now:
Zoom website(link is external): select “Sign In” then enter your CalNet ID credentials.
Zoom app: click the “Sign in with SSO” button or link and then enter your CalNet ID credentials.
See the help article for detailed Zoom login instructions(link is external)
Jan. 12, 2022CalNet is retiring the use of telephone calls as an option for completing the CalNet 2-Step via DUO. If you do not receive telephone calls in order to CalNet authenticate to login to campus collaboration tools and systems, no further action is required.
If you do use telephone calls to authenticate, we encourage you to convert to a different verification option(link is external) before curtailment begins on Dec. 23. After Jan. 12, 2022 if you do not have another method of doing the CalNet 2-Step you will not be able to access campus systems and tools that require authorization.
Please contact IT Services for help with either of these upcoming changes.