By now, many of you have noticed storage limits on your UC Berkeley-provided Google accounts. These limits were put in place in January 2023 as part of the larger Google Cost Reduction Project. You can find your storage limit and usage in your Google account settings
Why do we need to reduce our storage limits?
Last year, Google announced that they will no longer be providing unlimited storage plans, including those in use by educational institutions. By June 2024, UC Berkeley must reduce the total amount of content in our collective Google accounts from 12.5 million gigabytes to 1.9 million gigabytes, an 87% decrease in storage. If we do not reduce our content Google will charge $2M per year, a cost the University needs to avoid, especially in our current budget climate.
Lower Google storage limits coming in 2024
The project team has committed to reduce our total usage with minimal interruption to your teaching, learning, and research experience. To facilitate this content reduction, in January 2024 we will be applying lower limits to all UC Berkeley Google accounts provided by UC Berkeley. Approximately 1,900 accounts will need to take action to reduce their content. All other accounts will already be within their assigned limits.
How to reduce your storage now
If you need to reduce the amount of content in your account, we will contact you directly via email later this year. If you want to get started with reducing your content now, we have put together some references to help lead you through the process and provide options for moving your data to another storage service, as needed. You will find detailed answers to your most frequently asked questions, and there are plenty of resources to help you determine which campus-provided solution will meet your needs in case you have to move your content to another service.
Get Help
Be sure to check our FAQs on this topic first, but if you still have questions or need help contact us