One IT

Sponsored by the Chief Information Officer and led by technology leaders from across the UC Berkeley campus, One IT is a diverse, inclusive community open to all who work in IT organizations, serve as technology specialists, or perform  IT-adjacent functions using data, technology, and design. Technology governance committee members are also informed of One IT activities and are welcome to participate as their interest and time allow.

The One IT Program works across units and hierarchies to connect participants, share information and expertise, facilitate collaborative problem-solving, and build community. Our overarching goal is to provide optimal technology services to support Berkeley’s mission.

The forum is held bimonthly and serves as a space for connecting with our peers, hearing from faculty on research and teaching insights enabled by technology, and presentations from service providers highlighting their work.

One IT hosts several social and networking events throughout the year to engage and build community, provide opportunities for connection, and to share resources and opportunities for career learning and growth.