Exit Checklist

This checklist is for Berkeley IT managers to use when an employee leaves their position. If separation is involuntary, please contact our BRS (Berkeley Regional Services) Senior HR partner Carole Salerno at clsalerno@berkeley.edu or our bIT People, Performance, and Culture Executive Director, Lupe Leon at lupe.leon@berkeley.edu

Print the Exit Checklist | View Additional Employee Separation Resources

Supervisor / Manager

  • Plan complete work turnover.
  • Notify bIT People Operations Team (bit-ppc-hrops@lists.berkeley.eduproviding the last day or separation date. Include the official resignation letter/email for voluntary separations. BRS will not process the separation without this letter. If retiring, include the dates for the last day at work and the effective retirement date.
  • Notify bIT Keys and Access (bit-access@lists.berkely.edu) and include the date the access needs to be removed (NOTE: this date should not be after the effective separation date).
  • Collect any UCB issued keys (bIT Keys and Access can confirm with you what keys/access were assigned to the separating employee), property or equipment from the employee.
  • Remove passwords and security on issued cell phones.
  • Complete account access changes/deletions: CalNet ID, CalMail, SHIPS/d, Active Directory, etc.
  • Ensure that all passwords are removed from desk phone.
  • Remove business systems access through SARAand other system access.
  • Approve the final timesheet (NOTE: This is very IMPORTANT. It will delay processing the last paycheck if not done timely). 
  • Remind the employee to pick up the final pay check (if applicable). BRS/Payroll will provide instructions to the separating employee.
  • Contact bIT Building Manager Chris Bartlett cbartlett@berkeley.edu for help in making arrangements to ship equipment and items if unable to return these in person. 

bIT People Operations Team

  • Submit a BRS/HR ticket with name, employee ID and effective date of separation. Include a copy of the resignation letter.
  • If enrolled in DMV Pull, ensure that the deletion of driver request form is submitted by BRS or the manager.
  • Update the org charts, position tracker and other employee and position data sheets and records. (Department or unit specific team meetings should be updated by the individual meeting owners if applicable). 
  • Update the supervisor info for direct reports if applicable. 
  • Add the name of the separating employee in the CIO Update doc and All Staff slide deck. 
  • Schedule the Exit Interview with bIT PPC Executive Director, Lupe Leon.
  • Notify the bIT Admin Support team of the separation and include bIT Access, building manager, DBO, Director, Executive Director, Margarita Zeglin and the PPC Team. 

bIT Admin Support Team

  • Update the department calgroups/mailing list and other records. 

Separating Employee

At least 1 day before or on last day of work (may not be the actual separation date): 

  • Submit your final timesheet (NOTE: This is IMPORTANT. The BRS Payroll team won't be able to process your last paycheck if this is not submitted and approved timely). 
  • Return all campus keys, access cards, cell phones, laptop, radio, etc.
  • Remove all personal items from desk/office (including books, CDs, pictures, food items).
  • Reset password on desk phone and remove password on cellphone. 
  • If you have a DocuSign account, email our DocuSign Administrator Stephanie Dunn ssorensen@berkeley.edu to ensure your system access is revoked.

On last day of work:

  • Pick up final paycheck based on instructions from the BRS/Payroll office if paper check is preferred. Direct Deposit is preferred.

BRS Berkeley Regional Services 

1-2 weeks before the end date:

  • Terminate job record in UCPATH.
  • Update personnel/medical file.
  • Notify UCPD of separating employee. 

BRS Payroll Team

  • Process 72-hour payroll separation check request form.
  • Prepare the final paycheck for pick up from the campus Payroll Office. Direct Deposit is also an option.
  • Notify the hiring supervisor/employee before employee’s last day when check is ready for pick up (if applicable).
  • Give final check (if applicable) to separating employee with explanation of termination pay including what happens to their vacation and sick balances. 

Building and Equipment Management

  • Remove mailbox, cubicle nameplates and emergency pack.
  • Collect access cards and keys from the manager.