Outcomes, timeline

Outcomes of the planning process:

  • Two Outcomes of UC Berkeley's Campuswide Information Technology Strategic Planning Process 2004-06 [PDF], presentation to Campus Technology Council, January 2007

Phases of the planning process:

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
  • UC Berkeley IT Guiding Principles developed and adopted:
    • Support for teaching and research
    • Integration and inclusion
    • Security and reliability
    • Ubiquity
    • Ease of use
    • Alignment
    • Information technology excellence
  • Current and emerging IT challenges and opportunities identified and synthesized into six Critical IT Issues for UC Berkeley to address.
  • Academic department chairs surveyed by the Academic Senate Committee on Computing and Communications (COMP) to ascertain the status of faculty computing.
  • Critical IT Issue 1: Teaching and Learning. Teaching and learning trends identified and emerging issues at the intersection of teaching, learning, and technology drafted by Vice Provost Christina Maslach and others:
    • Support of research-based learning
    • Support of active/interactive learning
    • Collaborative learning environments
    • Information access and usability
    • Copyright and intellectual property management
    • A campus organizational structure for effective teaching and learning
  • Critical IT Issue 3: Research. Research trends with implications for IT identified and research challenges requiring IT support identified and prioritized by COMP, Vice Chancellor Beth Burnside, and others:
    • Basic IT resources
    • Technical support
    • Advanced collaborative and multi-site research
    • Data stewardship and digital asset management
    • High-performance computing, simulation, and visualization environments
  • Critical IT Issue 4: Security, Reliability, and Access. Information Technology Architecture Committee (ITAC) identified priority issues:
    • Security: Large number of unmanaged or mismanaged computers on our network. Lack of adequate resources to bring campus systems into compliance with minimum standard. Need for IT security–related education and cultural change.
    • Reliability: Need reliable centralized backup service, funding, physical network infrastructure, computing security, and physical environment for information and services.
    • Access: Ubiquitous access to appropriate IT infrastructure and services. Missing or inadequate middleware components impede access. Physical infrastructure.
  • Critical IT Issue 2: Student Experience from Prospects through Alumni (added 6/05). Administrative and Student Systems Computing Subcommittee identified priority issues:
    • Service demands and expectations of students are outpacing the current service delivery models.
    • The importance of revenue generated from students, parents, and alumni has changed considerably.
    • Students are best served by staff and faculty who have access to student information that is seamlessly integrated and used throughout the campus.
    • Students are best served when the University can officially account for all students with the State, and demonstrate its compliance with the growing range of regulations and policy changes in many areas.
  • Critical IT Issue 5: IT Governance, Funding, and Structure. Campus-wide IT self-study coordinated by Jay Stowsky. An external/internal IT Review Committee chaired by Provost Emeritus Jud King reviewed findings and will develop governance recommendations.
    • The IT investment process is disconnected from the campus funding and budgeting process.
    • A "silo-specific" and incremental budgeting approach is applied to central administrative systems.
    • The AVC-IT/CIO does not manage (or necessarily know about) two-thirds or more of the IT activity on campus.
    • Central administrative roles are unclear with respect to instructional computing, research computing, and campus IT services.
    • There is no mechanism to encourage IT managers to migrate toward "best practice" for either customer application development or workstation and desktop support.
  • Develop forward-looking vision for IT at UC Berkeley.

Note: The six Critical IT issues are not in priority order. This sequence was selected so that IT needs for supporting UC Berkeley's teaching/learning and research mission could be identified first, then used to inform the IT governance, funding, and structure discussions and recommendations.

Content last revised October 25, 2005. Printable source: UC Berkeley Campuswide Information Technology (IT) Strategic Planning Timeline and Outcomes, 2004-06 [PDF].