Archive: Campus IT Strategic Plan

Information provided on these archive pages is for reference only and is not current, visit the Campus IT Action Plan pages for updated content.

The Campus Technology Council (CTC) is refreshing the campuswide Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan. By identifying current and emerging trends and related IT needs for the critical areas of research, teaching and learning, student experience, and administration, the updated Plan will provide context for anyone developing IT funding requests for FY 2008–09. It also will provide context for members of the CTC when they evaluate and prioritize the IT funding requests and when they identify the IT priorities for the campus.

A draft of the revised Plan is available for download as a PDF document: Updating UC Berkeley's Campuswide IT Strategic Plan (2007–08).

IT guiding principles for UC Berkeley. Adopted by the e-Berkeley Steering Committee, June 2004.

Critical Issues
Areas in which the campus faces significant IT-related opportunities or challenges.

  1. Teaching, learning. [DRAFT] How IT can support the teaching and learning activities at the heart of UC Berkeley's mission.
  2. Student experience, from prospects through alumni. How technology can support the experience for prospects, students, alumni, donors, and supporters in interacting with the campus.
  3. Research. How IT can support research in all disciplines, and serve to interconnect the campus with the greater Bay Area research community.
  4. Security, reliability, access. How the IT environment can be made secure and reliable while maintaining the kind of access required of an open university.
  5. Governance, funding, structure. How IT governance, funding, and structure can be improved to advance UC Berkeley's IT Guiding Principles, and effectively and optimally serve the IT needs of users for teaching and learning, research and discovery, and student services and administration.
  6. Expertise. How to attract and retain the dedicated IT professionals needed to maintain a high-quality IT infrastructure. This issue will be addressed after the study of issue 5, Governance, Funding, and Structure, is complete.

Participants. Campus departments and committees involved in the planning process. Key campus constituent groups. Contact information.

Timeline, outcomes. Phases of the planning process,.

Background materials. Earlier documents generated by, or used as input to, the planning process.

IT guiding principles for UC Berkeley

Adopted by the e-Berkeley Steering Committee, June 2004.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the development of these principles through committee work and web input!

The University of California, Berkeley is complex in both its organization and its technology, requiring that competing information technology (IT) needs be carefully evaluated to ensure the optimal use of limited resources. Information technology decisions makers must therefore balance:

innovation vs. stability/reliability
standardization vs. autonomy/experimentation
accessibility vs. security/privacy
consensus vs. efficiency in decision making
centralized vs. distributed services
proprietary vs. open source

In this context, the following principles emerge:

  • SUPPORT FOR TEACHING AND RESEARCH: We will provide a responsive IT environment that enriches and enhances learning and creativity.
  • INTEGRATION AND INCLUSION: Information technology will help UC Berkeley fulfill its teaching, research, and public service mission—to create, apply, and share knowledge with the citizens of California and the world—by allowing members of the campus community to communicate, collaborate, learn, and disseminate, within and across disciplines and campus borders.
  • SECURITY AND RELIABILITY: Increasingly, the intellectual property and resources of our students, faculty, and staff are in electronic form, requiring that the campus IT infrastructure be stable, safe, and secure.
  • UBIQUITY: We will ensure essential connectivity for the entire campus, with basic standards of support for all departments and classrooms.
  • EASE OF USE: Campus applications, systems, communications devices, and classroom technologies will be integrated and easy to use.
  • ALIGNMENT: Campus priorities will drive UC Berkeley's IT strategies and investments. Information technology requirements differ among fields, and UC Berkeley will strive to allocate resources appropriately and accountably, anticipating and adopting IT innovations and standards where beneficial to the campus as a whole.
  • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EXCELLENCE: Teaching, research, and public service require information technology that meets the highest standards of excellence. We will evaluate the quality of IT with the same rigor as the rest of our university programs.