Looking Back
As we reflect on this last year, to say 2020 has been challenging would be an understatement. With the arrival of the coronavirus in the spring, all our IT priorities shifted to an intense focus on responding to this emergency and how best to support the campus moving to remote research, teaching, learning and working almost overnight while still maintaining our day-to-day portfolio of services. The One IT community was a key strategic enabler in the successful transition to remote work, research, and teaching. This report provides some highlights of the work we have done in response to COVID-19 plus progress we have made on many of the priorities outlined in our Reimagining IT Strategic Plan.
We do not know exactly what the future will hold for 2021 but there are signs of hope with promising vaccines on the horizon. One thing I do know is that the way we work and teach will be forever changed by this experience and technology is the key to supporting this seismic shift. Campus IT teams continue to adjust their priorities to do all we can to support the campus’s evolving academic plans, to help the health of the Berkeley community, and to manage our finances as part of the common good.
~ Jenn
Jenn Stringer, Associate Vice Chancellor for IT
and Chief Information Officer