ODP Updates

One of the six principles with which we will carry out this Organizational Design Project (ODP) is Communication. Jenn sends regular updates on progress being made in our ODP work to keep the OCIO/IST, RTL, and SAIT communities informed, the archive of messages is listed here up to May 7, 2021. After this date, updates have continued via Jenn's CIO Updates. ODP progress is also shared during the monthly all staff meetings.

May 7, 2021 - Update #21: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

Kicking off Phase 4 of our ODP work means that we will be focusing on getting the “Plumbing and Wiring Right.” But what does that mean, you may ask? In this phase we ensure that all of the details of the organization that need to change — e.g., role definitions, new structures, new processes, financial adjustments — to launch the new organization are assessed and carefully planned for. Critical tasks that must be taken care of before the new organization can launch are completed and other tasks that will take place after launch are planned out. Implementation teams are also identified and put in place to carry out the work. All of this, along with wrapping up the learnings from Phase 3, is what the ODP Process Advisory Committee (PAC) has been working on the past two weeks.

As a reminder, the PAC includes myself, David Greenbaum, Liz Marsh, Terence Phuong, and Gert Reynaert. We will continue the work of building out a detailed project plan and structure for the work that needs to be done in Phase 4 in preparation for our next directors meeting on May 12. During this meeting we will present the plan and collectively make decisions on next steps. The ‘decision point’ process has been a part of each phase of our ODP journey.

There are still a few dates available next week to schedule coffee with me. This is a great way to ask questions or provide feedback. ICYMI: the April 29 All Staff slide deck and Zoom recording are available on the IST Events page. Our next all staff meeting will be May 27 at 2 p.m.

Next week we also have our monthly CIO Forum on May 13 at 2 p.m. As the semester and this very interesting academic year winds down,Cristobal Olivareswill lead a student panel discussion where we will hear what the student experience has been like for a freshman, transfer, and graduate student who all spent their first year at UC Berkeley learning remotely. We will hear from Cruz Grimaldo, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships for her experience over the past year helping students navigate their education during the pandemic.

This will be our last weekly ODP update for a bit but I will be back in touch when we have more information on progress to share. 

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

April 30, 2021 - Update #20: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

As the month of April draws to a close, Phase 3 of our ODP work is also coming to an end. In Phase 3 we spent several months meeting with directors to consider options and make some decisions about our organization going forward. We now turn our focus to Phase 4: “Wiring & Plumbing” to ensure critical details are implemented. In the past week, and for the next two, the ODP Process Advisory Committee (PAC) is spending significant time together building the detailed project plan as well as the structure for Phase 4. This will culminate in a preparation for a ‘Decision Point’ meeting on May 12 where the plan for Phase 4 will be presented to the directors. We will have more to share with the broader organization after mid-May, so stay tuned!

Here’s a visual reminder of where we are on our ODP timeline, and what is next:

ODP timeline

Thank you for bringing some great questions to the OCIO/IST all Staff yesterday. Here is the slide deck and the Zoom recording will be available on the IST Events page early next week. Remember you can also join me for coffee/tea at an upcoming Coffee with the CIO session.

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

April 23, 2021 - Update #19: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

I want to again congratulate Gladys Oddoye and Danny Grieb who are recipients of this year’s Excellence in Management Award (EIM). The EIM, where staff nominate their managers, is a great example of the excellence that enables and empowers staff to do best work. Our organizational design aims to continue building a structure and culture that supports, nurtures, and expands our leaders as well as those they manage so everyone experiences being their best professionally here at UC Berkeley.

Since February, we have been meeting weekly with OCIO/IST directors to discuss organizational issues and opportunities for improvement identified from the data gathered in Phase 2. I want to thank the directors for their hard work, dedication, and insights through these past few months. I’m proud to witness the collaboration and excellence across our leadership team.

Our directors meeting this week concluded with breakout sessions and a group discussion on the extent to which our five stated objectives of: Strategic partnership with campus; Efficiency; Agility; DEIB, Best Work and Professional Growth are served by our organizational redesign. This is an important step in finalizing the work we set out to do in Phase 3: Decide on Options. 

In the next couple of weeks we will be changing our focus to Phase 4: “Wiring & Plumbing” to ensure critical details are implemented. 

Be sure to check your calendar and plan to join us for our next OCIO/IST All Staff Update next Thursday, April 29 at 2 p.m. The All Staff meeting is a great place to bring any questions you may have or you can join me for an upcoming Coffee with the CIO session if you prefer a smaller group setting.

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

April 16, 2021 - Update #18: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

What a week! Between the UC data breach, planning for the return to campus, and everything in between, there is a lot going on. Through it all, we were still able to make great progress on our ODP work:

  • After a well-deserved break last week, we re-started our ODP directors meetings this week. We have two more of these weekly meetings scheduled, as we move towards decisions that will close out this phase and set our agenda for Phase 4 which will begin in May.

  • This week’s meeting included the last three of the Issue Analysis Briefings (IAB) slated for Phase 3 of the ODP.  IABs are worked on collaboratively by small groups of directors to flesh out and develop alternatives on particular topics or challenges, and are then presented to the entire group for discussion. 

  • The hard work the directors have done has been immensely helpful in informing our organizational design decisions going forward. I’m grateful for their dedication to this work which has been carried out  always keeping our objective in mind: Build an agile central IT organization that serves as a strategic partner with the UC Berkeley community to efficiently deliver campus IT services. Create a structure and culture where IT professionals can do their best work


And finally, don’t forget to reply to your bCal invite for the One IT Virtual Game Show next Friday! Today is the last day to reply “Yes” on your calendar to get the game join info sent to you. 

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

April 2, 2021 - Update #17: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

As OCIO/IST heads into curtailment next week (April 5-9) I hope you enjoy some relaxing time off with your loved ones. We had selected next week because it coincides with many local K-12 spring breaks and the feedback we received from staff was overwhelmingly in support of having this time off with their kids. 

This also means we will be taking a break from ODP work next week, including no directors meeting. We have now had seven total ODP directors meetings over the past seven weeks with two more scheduled meetings in April when we return from break. 

As we are heading towards the projected end of Phase 3: Consider Multiple Options, we will soon add an agile decision point to reflect on where we are in the process and whether adjustments are needed, as we did at the end of Phase 2.

Enjoy the downtime, however you choose to spend it!

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

March 19, 2021 - Update #16: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

This week in our ODP work, we have built upon previous discussions with the directors around organizing principles for IST functions. Specifically, we have started exploring ways of structuring our services and functions to improve the resilience, efficiency, and agility of our entire organization. We are also starting to envision additional processes and ways of working that will result in tighter strategic alignment with the campus and more cross-collaboration and professional development opportunities for everyone in IT. Our Equity Advisor, Bryant K. Smith, continues to be actively involved in our work and has been attending meetings with the Directors, the Management Team and the Action Team.

Due to the curtailment next Thursday, March 25 and University holiday on Friday, March 26, there will be no ODP email update next week. The next OCIO/IST All Staff will be held Thursday, April 29 at 2 p.m.

There are several upcoming opportunities to have your voice heard by scheduling coffee with me. These are listed on the IST Events page or you can sign up here

I hope you enjoy the mini spring break next week!

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

March 12, 2021 - Update #15:OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

It was nice to see many of you at the  CIO Open Forum yesterday. The slide deck and Zoom recording from the forum will be available on the One IT website early next week.

At this week’s Management Team Meeting, the DEIB data from the IST survey was presented and managers engaged in a breakout exercise to discuss some of the disparities we are seeing in how different portions of our organization assess our success to date in addressing these issues. The session revealed several themes and offered some clear steps we need to take as an organization to constructively continue on our journey to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization where everyone feels welcome.

We have also had productive discussions with the directors around various organizing principles for IST functions. The perspectives and feedback generated through these conversations will be used to develop alternative organization models and to really think through the future IST structure. This work of exploration and ideation will continue over the next couple weeks as we continue to narrow options for the resilient and agile organization we are trying to build.

Mark your calendars and gather any questions you have for the next OCIO/IST All Staff Update which will be

Thursday, March 25 from 2 - 2:50 p.m. 

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

March 5, 2021 - Update #14: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

In addition to holding our weekly ODP director meetings, I have had several conversations with CIOs at other institutions which have been extremely valuable in helping to gain insights into organizational models other universities are using, what’s working well and what is challenging. I am learning that no one gets it perfect the first time out, but the key is to be open to feedback and to commit to ongoing improvements over time. 

In case you missed it, theZoom recording and slide deck from the Feb. 25 OCIO/IST All Staff meeting are now available. We spent a big part of the meeting discussing the feedback you provide through the ODP survey you took last November. We walked through some of the key findings and issues about our organizational strengths and weaknesses that have emerged. Take a look to learn more and, as a reminder, past all staff materials are available here

I hope to see you at the CIO Open Forum next Thursday, March 11, 2-2:50 p.m. The monthly all staff meeting and CIO Forum are great opportunities to ask questions, make suggestions, and join the conversation on what’s happening in our unit and across the One IT community!

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

Feb. 26, 2021 - Update #13: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

With Phase 3 of the organizational design project now in full flight, I wanted to share with you a short update of our work of this past week. In addition to continuing the work with Directors on organizational issues and opportunities for improvement identified from the data gathered in Phase 2, I was also pleased to be able to share the ODP survey data at this week’s OCIO/IST All Staff Meeting.  

In addition, Bryant K. Smith, our Equity Advisor, met with the Action Team for the first time as and we started the dialogue about some of the survey data as well as exploring the question “If you had complete authority to implement change, what is the one thing you would do that you believe would make IST more diverse?”  It resulted in a good discussion and the start to what will be an ongoing conversation. 

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

Feb. 19, 2021 - Update #12: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues,

Last week we provided lots of information along with outcomes from the Directors’ Retreat we held on Feb. 9 to kickoff Phase 3 of our ODP work. There is much work to be done, so we extended Phase 3 by one month. I wanted to be sure you all saw the extended timeline:

ODP timeline

We have now started our weekly cadence of meetings with all Directors on Wednesdays to work through organizational issues and opportunities for improvement identified from the data gathered in Phase 2. These meetings will continue through mid-April.

This week’s meeting was focused on our “Best Work” and “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging” areas, and facilitated by Bryant K. Smith, an outside consultant who brought a DEIB lens to the ODP project. Bryant facilitated a number of exercises that will equip us to be mindful of equitable outcomes as we continue our work.

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

Feb. 12, 2021 - Update #11: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

On Tuesday we held a very informative and productive retreat with OCIO/IST directors to kick off Phase 3 of our ODP work. It was wonderful to experience the energy and broad set of strengths in our Zoom rooms as we mapped out next steps for our ODP journey!

Here are some outcomes from the retreat:

  • Timeline adjusted - Since we know that Phase 3 (formulating options) will take a lot of thoughtful work with our IST leadership and stakeholders, we have decided to extend the timeline by one month. This means the ODP project will be completed in August instead of July.

  • ODP Charter updates - We made the following updates to our ODP Charter:

    • Added a new principle on Equity: Identify potential impacts to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and other marginalized individuals and groups that may result from organizational change decisions. Minimize any disproportionate effect.

    • Changed the “Benefits” section to “Objectives” to clarify the five major goals we hope to achieve during the ODP process.

    • Added an objective for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB): Create an organizational structure, processes, and culture that embraces diversity and equity, fosters a sense of inclusion and belonging, and enables all staff to feel valued in the work they do.

    • Amended our fifth objective to“Best Work” and Professional Growth: Build an organization that provides opportunities for professional growth and experimentation, the development of new skills, and that enables staff to see the connection of their work to the mission of UC Berkeley.

  • Resource allocations - We committed to putting resources (positions and funding) toward DEIB and Workforce Development in our new organizational model and will be forming working groups to develop recommendations around these issues.   

  • Survey data - During the retreat we took an initial look at the survey data. Among other findings, it is clear that staff are proud of the work that their teams do, and that they believe IST is a trusted and strategic partner with the campus. We have a lot of data and are working on getting it in the right form to share with managers and staff in the next few weeks.

  • Next steps - Over the next 10 weeks we will be taking deeper dives into some high priority issues the survey and other feedback mechanisms have revealed. Next week the directors will meet with our project Equity Advisor for a DEIB workshop.

All of the changes to the charter and timeline can be viewed on the ODP website. If you ever want to reference any past communications for this work you can view the archive of email updates here

Enjoy the long weekend with Monday being President’s Day.

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

Feb. 5, 2021 - Update #10: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project


We are excited to be moving into Phase 3 of our ODP work. This part of the project will involve considering multiple options as we explore organizational models. This is important as we work to create an organization that is positioned to both manage the impacts of the campus financial situation and is prepared to strategically meet the needs of our institution going forward. 

  • Directors’ Retreat - We are kicking off Phase 3 with a virtual Directors’ Retreat next week.

  • Integrating DEIB into ODP Charter Part of the ODP process has been to remain agile as we learn along the way and proceed through this project. From our work thus far including feedback gathered in the survey, we want to be sure to integrate Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) into everything we do. This week the Process Advisory Committee (PAC) has decided a few things: 

    • We will update the charter to include “Equity” as one of the principles guiding the ODP process.

    • An adjustment will be made to the charter on the benefits of our ODP work, acknowledging that doing our “best work” involves nurturing diversity in our workforce which contributes to creativity, productivity, and innovation.

    • To help with our Phase 3 work we will be engaging a DEIB expert.

  • One IT CIO Forum next week - Our next gathering with everyone in One IT will be 2-2:50 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 11. Look for a bCal invite or add to your calendar now

Earlier this week, we kicked off our series: Coffee with the CIO, another way to connect with me in a small group setting. There are still spaces available for next week if you would like to join me for coffee (or tea), sign-up here

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

Jan. 29, 2021 - Update #9:OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

Thank you for all the questions you brought to yesterday’s OCIO/IST All Staff Update and keep them coming! David and Gert provided an update at yesterday’s all staff meeting. ICYMI the slide deck and Zoom recording are now available on the IST Events page along with dates and sign-up for CIO Coffee sessions. 

We have concluded the data gathering that was in scope for Phase 2, and are now using those data to plan out Phase 3. We will kick off Phase 3: “Consider Multiple Options'' with a virtual Directors’ Retreat, scheduled for Feb. 9. The retreat will allow for a deeper dive around the issues and themes that emerged from the data gathering. It will also kick off a series of weekly ODP Directors meetings through April to take up key issues and options for the future of our organization. I will be asking Directors to help me find meaningful ways to engage with IST staff across the organization to get further input as we explore the issues and themes that emerged from the survey.

The news from the Chancellor yesterday about how the Salary and Time Reduction Program is being reconsidered and postponed until at least July 1, 2021 was nice to hear. But her statement about how this should not be taken as a signal that we are out of the woods in terms of budget challenges is also heard loud and clear. 

We will continue to move onward as campus news changes and our ODP work continues.

Warm regards,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

Jan. 22, 2021 - Update #8:OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

I mentioned in last week’s update the Process Advisory Committee (PAC) would be reflecting on what we have learned thus far on our ODP journey. We have evaluated the state of the project and decided earlier this week that we are on track to close out Phase 2 (the data gathering portion of our project) at the end of January. We are ready to start Phase 3 (formulating options) but we are still thinking through estimations on how long this work may take. Knowing it will take a lot of thoughtful work with our IST leadership and stakeholders, a decision will be made soon if we need to make any adjustments to the ODP timeline. 

Additional Updates

  • Director’s retreat - To kick off Phase 3, we have scheduled a virtual director’s retreat in February. We have also scheduled weekly standing meetings with our directors throughout the entirety of Phase 3.

  • Survey results - We anticipate being ready to share results from the survey in the next few weeks. Data analysis is going well and we will be using the survey data along with the information we gathered from the director interviews to prepare for Phase 3.

  • Ask questions - Our next OCIO/IST All Staff Update is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 28 at 2 p.m. This monthly meeting is always an opportunity for you to ask questions. Check your bCal for the invite.

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

Jan. 15, 2021 - Update #7: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project


I hope you had a restful winter break and are rejuvenated as we kick off 2021. Last week, our ODP Team jumped back into their work on data gathering and analysis. With over 1,700 text entries from the survey, getting your responses categorized is helpful to see the themes and the big picture emerging  on our organizational strengths and weaknesses. The in-depth interviews with directors have also been continuing through this week.

Here’s a reminder of where we are on the project timeline:

ODP timeline where we are now

In the charter, we also outlined January as the time frame for an Agile decision point. We will reflect on what we have learned thus far on our ODP journey and update the project plan for Phase 3, taking into account potential challenges for our spring semester, budget, COVID response and recovery efforts, and more. We look forward to sharing more on this with you in the next update!

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

Dec. 21, 2020 - Update #6:OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

I’m so looking forward to a break. How about you? This will be our last ODP update for 2020. It has been a challenging year on many levels and I really appreciate your dedication and resilience through it all. I also want to thank you for your input and participation in this ODP work, hearing your voice is so important. 

As I presented at the OCIO-IST All Staff last week, here is the latest update on ODP:

  • Survey response rates: 302 replies out of 440 survey invites: 69%

    • OCIO-IST: 67%

    • RTL: 72%

    • SAIT: 80%

  • ODP Team data gathering and analysis:  

    • Categorize IST’s Strength & Weakness responses: 1,731 total text entries 

    • Director interviews in progress

    • Prepare for data gathering from outside of central IT

  • January: Agile decision point to update OD Project Plan 

    • What will the challenges of the spring semester be?  Budget, health, etc.

    • What have we learned as we’ve carried out the project.

    • Update project plan for Phase 3.

As a reminder, we started this project to create an organization that is positioned to both manage the impacts of the campus financial situation and is prepared to strategically meet the needs of our institution in the future. We have done incredible work during COVID that has facilitated these conversations and allowed us to think about the future differently, the ODP team will dig back into this work in January.

I wish you all a wonderful and restful holiday break - see you in 2021!

Warm regards,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

Dec. 11, 2020 - Update #5:OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project


We are now midway through Phase 2 of our ODP work to gather data from staff and stakeholders on our organizational strengths and weaknesses. Our initial survey closed last week, with over 300responses — thanks again for your participation! This represents a69% overall response rate - 67% for IST, 72% for RTL, and 80% for SAIT. 


  • The ODP team is now digging into the work of analyzing all the quantitative and qualitative survey data

  • As mentioned, data gathering continues as we develop a One IT survey, which will be administered in January, to obtain an even broader set of feedback from the greater IT community.

  • We hear you. As questions arise, we will be continuing to add topics to our FAQs page, take a look.

  • When we started this project, we knew it would be challenging and sometimes uncomfortable work. The Chancellor’s update on the campus budget sent earlier this week makes it clear that doing this work now is proactive, as well as critical to successfully navigating the short- and long-term plans laid out for the campus.  

  • Check your calendars for the bCal invite and bring your questions to the next OCIO/IST All Staff on Thursday, Dec. 17, 2-2:50 p.m.

I appreciate your patience and understanding as we forge ahead. We will continue to weather these changing times together. 

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

Dec. 4, 2020 - Update #4:OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

Many thanks to those who have already completed the survey on strengths and weaknesses of our IT organization (which was sent to all OCIO/IST, RTL and SAIT staff members). If you haven’t already shared your input, you still have time but the surveycloses at COB today, so please make your voice heard and get your responses included so we have as comprehensive a data set as possible. As of Wednesday, the number of surveys submitted stands at 192. This represents a 43% overall response rate - 45% for IST, 33% for RTL, and 62% for SAIT. 

Other updates this week:

  • Initial analysis of the survey responses has started, and will ramp up next week, after the survey closes.

  • Yesterday, the Organizational Design Project Team participated in the monthly OCIO/IST Managers Meeting to provide an update on ODP progress and next steps.

  • Upcoming opportunities to learn more about ODP and ask questions:

    • Thursday, Dec. 10, 2-2:50 p.m. - One IT CIO Open Forum

    • Thursday, Dec. 17, 2-2:50 p.m. - OCIO/IST All Staff

As always, you can also send questions anytime to our awesome ODP Project Manager, Gert Reynaert (grey@berkeley.edu). 

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

Nov. 20, 2020 - Update #3: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

In this season of giving thanks, I want you to know how grateful I am for all your hard work this week, these past several months...this year! And, for your continued dedication and resilience as we meet the challenges of these uncertain times together. 

I have a special note of gratitude for those of you in our community who asked that we look again at our ODP process to ensure that we had a diverse set of voices at the table, particularly BIPOC voices. Thank you for your willingness to speak the truth and ask that we do better. I took your words to heart and we engaged with the OCIO/IST Action Team on a path forward. The Action Team will begin to meet regularly with the ODP project team to provide feedback on the process. I want to thank the Action Team for their honesty and willingness to engage!  We will also be connecting with People and Culture to explore other ways we can ensure that we apply equity and diversity lenses to our project decision-making processes. 

Here are this week’s updates on the Organizational Design Project:

  • Survey of IT org strengths and weaknesses - We are off to a great start getting your feedback from the surveywe sent out last week.

    • Responses to date - we’ve had an overall response rate of 21% in the first three days of the survey (here’s the drill down by unit: 18% RTL, 20% IST, 38% SAIT). Many thanks to those who have already participated!

    • Your voice is important - If you haven’t completed the survey, please take the time to provide your feedback (<20 minutes). And remember: your survey responses will remain completely confidential

    • Just 5 more business days to provide your input - the survey will be open until Friday, Dec. 4

  • Gathering more input from One IT - In case you missed my monthly CIO Open Forum last week (or the OCIO/IST monthly update yesterday), I announced that a short survey will go out after Thanksgiving to One IT staff outside of  IST, RTL and SAIT. This was also a topic discussed at this week’s IST Directors Meeting. FYI, Zoom recordings and slide decks from past CIO Open Forums are available here: technology.berkeley.edu/one-it

  • Keep the questions coming - Some great questions came through during our monthly All Staff Update yesterday. Save the date for our next one scheduled for Dec. 17, 2-2:50 p.m. If you have questions before then check out our ODP FAQs page or send them to our ODP Project Manager, Gert Reynaert (grey@berkeley.edu). 

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and much-deserved R&R!

With gratitude,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

Nov. 13, 2020 - Update #2: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

This week flew by! I hope you all had a nice mid-week break with the Veterans Day holiday. I’d like to extend my gratitude to those in our community who have served in the military. 

Here are the latest updates on the ODP Project:

  • The survey on strengths and weaknesses of our IT organization has been sent to all OCIO/IST, RTL and SAIT staff members. Please check your inbox and take the short survey (<20 minutes) as your input is critical for us to put together as comprehensive a data set as possible. From the information we gather, we can then determine the strengths to build from and the weaknesses to address. The survey will be open until Friday, Dec. 4

  • The Organizational Design Project Team participated in the monthly OCIO/IST Managers Meeting to discuss the survey and managers’ role in the project.

  • We continue to field questions and provide more information about the Organizational Design Project, as in this week’s CIO Open Forum. As a reminder, our monthly All Staff Update is a great opportunity to connect and ask questions. Check your bCal for an invite for next Thursday, Nov. 19 at 2 p.m. You can also send questions anytime to our ODP Project Manager, Gert Reynaert (grey@berkeley.edu). 

In partnership,


Related Links: ODP Website | Project Charter | FAQs

Nov. 6, 2020 - Update #1: OCIO/IST Organizational Design Project

Dear colleagues, 

As part of our commitment to be as transparent as possible about the Organizational Design Project (ODP) work, we plan to send out a weekly communication on Fridays with a short update of activity on the project. This is the first one! Future communications will be shorter updates. 

We have reached the end of Phase 1: Define and Launch Organizational Design Project and are moving into Phase 2: Understand Current Strengths and Weaknesses of the Organization

These past few weeks, we solidified our ODP teams and have been working on a survey we will be sending out to the community next week. Through this survey, we will seek your input to understand the current strengths and weaknesses of our IT organization. This input will be critical to our ability to see as comprehensive a data set as possible. We want to hear from you so that together, we can determine the strengths to build from and the weaknesses to address. 

We estimate this information gathering phase will run through January 2021. The survey will be one of a number of important sources of information we will rely on to understand and analyze the current state of central IT and its relationship to campus partners. Your voice is critical, and the survey will be confidential so please do take the time to participate.

Meet the ODP Teams

Process Advisory Committee (ODP PAC) - This committee advises the CIO on the project’s process but does not make decisions about the future organization or personnel assignments. 

  • Jenn Stringer, AVC for IT and CIO

  • David Greenbaum, Project Consultant

  • Liz Marsh, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Chief of Staff

  • Terence Phuong, Chief Financial Officer

  • Gert Reynaert, Project Manager

Project Team - This team supports the project through phase two to gather and analyze information about organizational strengths and weaknesses and campus IT services and functions.

  • David Greenbaum, Project Consultant

  • Gert Reynaert, Project Manager

  • Rita Rosenthal, Communications Manager

  • Stephanie Dunn, Executive Assistant

  • Isaac Mankita, Business and Finance Analyst

What’s Next?

We have secured assistance from Jeff Royal, an Institutional Research Analyst and expert on conducting surveys in the Graduate Division. The Project Team is working with Jeff to draft the survey we are planning to send to the community next week.

FAQs & Contact

We have added a page of FAQs to the Organizational Design website as a resource. These questions have been gathered from the All Staff and managers meetings. This page will continue to evolve as we proceed with the project and additional information becomes available or new questions arise. If you have questions not already addressed in the FAQs, please send them to Gert Reynaert (grey@berkeley.edu). 

In partnership,


ODP Process Advisory Committee (ODP PAC)

This committee advises the CIO on the project’s process but does not make decisions about the future organization or personnel assignments.

Jenn Stringer

AVC for IT and CIO

David Greenbaum

Project Consultant

Liz Marsh

Executive Director of Strategy & Partnerships and Chief of Staff

Liz Marsh

Executive Director of Business Operations

Gert Reynaert

Project Manager

ODP Project Team

This team supports the project through phase two to gather and analyze information about organizational strengths and weaknesses and campus IT services and functions.

David Greenbaum

Project Consultant

Gert Reynaert

Project Manager

Rita Rosenthal

Communications Manager

Clarissa Fermin

Administrative Officer

Stephanie Dunn

Executive Assistant

Isaac Mankita

Business and Finance Analyst


If you have questions not already addressed in the FAQs, please send them to Gert Reynaert