
All News

May 14, 2024

May 10, 2024

UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity

The Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC) and the U.S. Department of Education (ED) are proud to announce the Partnership for Advancing Cybersecurity in Education (PACE), an initiative to improve the defensibility and resilience of K-12 digital infrastructure by fostering collaboration between education technology vendors and cybersecurity experts.

May 7, 2024

May 6, 2024

Berkeley Lab News

In the ongoing quest to make electronic devices ever smaller and more energy efficient, researchers want to bring energy storage directly onto microchips, reducing the losses incurred when power is transported between various device components. 

April 30, 2024

April 25, 2024

kudos to award recipients

Dear One IT Colleagues,

This past Tuesday, several of our One IT colleagues were honored as recipients of the Chancellor's Outstanding Staff Awards (COSAs) during an award ceremony held at the Chevron Auditorium. Join me in congratulating all our award recipients for their hard work and dedication! 

April 23, 2024

Update on 5/22/24: After further consideration of potential impacts on campus operations, this planned shutdown will be moved to a new date to be determined in consultation with campus stakeholders. We will notify the campus once a new date has been set to shut down the Data Center and complete this important work.

To our campus community,

April 19, 2024

UC Tech 2024 Blog

Have you worked on something you’re proud of? Looking for a way to share it with a larger audience? Present it at this year’s UC Tech 2024: Collaboration for Transformation, from October 27-29, co-hosted by UC Davis Health and UC Davis! 

April 17, 2024

UC Berkeley College of Computing, Data Science, and Society

UC Berkeley is joining an ambitious effort to advance open source research, education and public service across the University of California system.

Dear OneIT Colleagues, UISLs, and UITRLs,

We are writing to share a proposed update of the campus Data Classification Standard. The Data Classification Standard is the campus framework for assigning risk levels to institutional information and IT resources. It currently includes two classification categories: Protection Level and Availability Level. 

April 16, 2024


According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 1.3 billion people — 16% of the world’s population, or 1 in 6 of us — currently experience significant disability. Another 1 in 3 people are projected to experience a permanent or temporary disability in the next 10 years.

April 11, 2024

“Student-to-Staff” is a series featuring stories from Cal alumni who are now career employees in One IT. This series was created to show the importance of investing in our student staff, and how vital their work is to the university and its mission.

Finley worked on campus throughout their time as an undergrad student. After graduating with a degree in Applied Mathematics, they now work full-time at Berkeley D-Lab! Learn how Finley’s hard work and dedication led to a full-time position at UC Berkeley.

A smartphone app could enable greater participation in clinical trials for people with frontotemporal dementia (FTD), a devastating neurological disorder that often manifests in mid-life.

April 10, 2024

Do you work with student staff? If so, when was the last time you gave them a shoutout for work well done? It’s National Student Employment Week, a time to recognize student employees' valuable contributions to our colleges and universities. Observed annually during the second week in April, this celebration isn’t just about thanking students for their hard work, but also about raising awareness of the important skills and experience they gain through these positions, which can benefit them academically and professionally in the long run.

April 9, 2024

To our campus community,

Following extensive campus review, we are pleased to announce that the updated Minimum Security Standards for Electronic Information (MSSEI) was ratified on Feb. 29, 2024, effective April 1, 2024. The Information Security Office is in the process of updating its website to reflect these changes. Visit the MSSEI home page to view the revised standards.

March 28, 2024

Dear Campus Community, 

We are pleased to announce the launch of an improved Campus Directory Update tool that allows you to customize privacy settings for individual data fields. These recent enhancements allow you to have better control over who can view your data listed in the campus directory plus offer a more intuitive design.

What has changed?

You now have the option to select how your data is displayed in the directory by using a drop-down menu for each field. Options include:

UC Newsroom

From science, engineering and enterprise to medicine, warfare and the environment, artificial intelligence is starting to infiltrate virtually every aspect of society, including higher education. 

March 26, 2024