Planned Data Center Outage

Sunday, March 30, 2025 | 2 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.

This webpage provides information regarding the impacts of an upcoming planned outage in the Earl Warren Hall Data Center. The date for this outage is Sunday, March 30, based on feedback from the campus community in finding the least disruptive timing for this work.

We will be performing mechanical and electrical system upgrades, which will require a complete shutdown of our campus Data Center. This work is required to support the campus research mission and provide improved resilience for the Data Center to run on generator power during campus outages. Berkeley IT will be working with Facilities Management to make mechanical and electrical system upgrades that will reduce the impact of unplanned campus power outages in the future.

Since the Data Center houses many of our mission-critical servers on campus, powering things off will impact access to many systems including CalTime, Cal Central, Student Information Systems / Berkeley Campus Solutions (SIS/BCS), Cal Answers, Berkeley Financial System (BFS), BearBuy, and Savio Condo/Berkeley Research Cluster, to name a few. We understand this may disrupt your ability to work and we apologize for any inconvenience. For seamless internet service while on campus, please ensure you are using eduroam, not Wi-Fi for visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is being done?

Maintenance will be performed on components that provide emergency power to the data center when there is a campus power outage. To accomplish this work, power must be shut off to all systems hosted in the Data Center. As a result, systems located in the Data Center will be unavailable during the shutdown period from 2 a.m. through 10:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 30.

Why is this being done?

The data center is running directly on campus power with a backup power system that provides up to 45 minutes of power in the event of a campus power failure. However, the generator that provides sustained power during a power outage cannot be engaged due to a failed ATS (automatic transfer switch). This switch must be repaired to enable automated, sustained emergency power if a power outage occurs. To ensure worker safety, data center power must be shut down for this repair.

Which systems will be impacted?

The following systems will not be available during the Data Center shutdown period. The systems listed below will be down from 2 a.m. through 10:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 30 (times are estimated and subject to change). Updates will be provided as the work is completed and systems are brought back online, please check the system status page.

  • Advance
  • BPR (CalNet account claiming, passphrase resets)
  • Burgundy Book
  • CalGroups (Grouper)
  • Cal Planning
  • CalTime (online will be unavailable but the clock terminals will still be operating)

  • Cal Viz (Tableau)

  • CBORD/CS Gold
  • CCURE (key card panels will work but the ability to update the panels with new access information will be affected)

  • EMS (Accruent/Event Management System)

  • eProtocol

  • EyeCare

  • iHub (calls to several APIs will get an error)

  • Imagine/ImageNow

  • JIRA

  • Library Connect from off Campus (Library Proxy)

Which systems will be available?

The following systems will remain available during the shutdown period. If the system you are looking for is not listed below and you are unsure whether it runs in the Data Center, please check the system status page.

  • Active Directory
  • API Central & API Gateway
  • bConnected(bMail, bCal, bDrive, gChat)
  • bCourses / Canvas (however some tools/functionality will be affected)
  • some linked sites will be affected)
  • CalNet Authentication(CAS, Shibboleth)
  • Campus Network
  • Candelis
  • CCURE (panels will work but ability to update the panels with new access information will be affected during a down time)

I have work to do during the outage, will my system be available?

We understand that a shutdown of the Data Center may be disruptive to the campus and to your ability to work. However, this shutdown is necessary to perform the ATS repairs (automatic transfer switch). This switch must be repaired to enable automated, sustained emergency power if a power outage occurs. To ensure a graceful shutdown of systems, services that run in the Data Center will be taken offline up to 6 hours in advance of the required electrical/power work. The ATS repair work will then take up to 6 hours to complete, and we will need approximately 8 hours to re-establish all services and systems after the power work is completed. As we bring systems back up, it is not possible to pinpoint the exact timing for each. Therefore, it is best to plan ahead and know that systems will be down from 2 a.m. through 10:30 p.m. (times are estimated and subject to change) unless listed in the “Which systems will be available?” section. To provide further clarification on the availability of systems, service providers will be sending communications regarding the availability of the systems they support as the date for this work approaches.

Why doesn't the Data Center use backup generators for this work?

The repairs to the ATS (automatic transfer switch) require everything to be down in the Data Center, even those systems that the backup generator would power. 

I have a virtual machine (VM) I manage myself, do I have to shut it down myself before the power goes off?

Yes. Those who manage their own VM’s need to shut them down to avoid a forced shutdown in advance of the underlying infrastructure being powered down.

Who can I contact for more information?

We are collaborating on this project with several IT service providers across campus. Please contact Sam Griffin at if you have questions.