Reimagining IT: Strategic Plan Versions

photo of work groups

The final version of our proposed IT Strategic Plan for UC Berkeley is now available


When we kicked off our strategic planning initiative, we knew it would be an iterative process. Here is a summary of where we are today, and where we have been:

  • Version 4.0 | July 6, 2017- Our final version of the plan includes 33 foundational tactics. The original list of 42 tactics were compiled during all the Sprints by Working Groups and Super Hero teams then discussed and prioritized to 33 tactics at the final workshop in June. We also updated the campus context section to recognize and align the plan with the new key campus leadership appointments of Chancellor Carol Christ and Paul Alivisatos, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. This is designed as a 3-year plan with the initial implementation timeline from July 2017 to March 2018.
  • Version 3.0 | May 8, 2017This version of the plan includes initial tactics that will serve as the foundation of the implementation work that will be launched after June 30. It also has key changes to the strategies and goals that are informed by the workshop we held in March.
  • Version 2.0 | March 8, 2017 Version 2.0 of the plan provided an updated outline designed to help participants at the March 14 workshop discuss and refine strategies, and to assess the feasibility of the plan.
  • Version 1.0 | Dec. 23, 2016 - We shared the first version of the plan back in December. Input was collected and analysed in January and February with the help of our Theme Team

Our Plan is Community Built

We received input from over 85 individuals on version 1.0 of the IT Strategic Plan and we used that feedback along with input from a number of IT governance committees and other leaders to inform version 2.0.

More than 50 IT professionals from across campus participated in the Reimagining IT Workshop on March 14 to explore and discuss how we, as the One IT community, can come to together to focus and craft the goals and strategies of version 2.0 for the broader campus community. In versions 3.0 and 4.0, we have integrated input and outcomes from the March and June workshops to arrive at our final draft. 

view the plan

IT Strategic Plan V.4 Overview

IT Strategic Plan V.3 Overview